Silver Sneakers

Gary Vawter |

Are you 65 or older?  Do you recognize any of these insurance companies?

If so, you might be eligible for Silver Sneakers.  No, it is not the latest and greatest shoe brand!  But you will want to lace up your kicks and head to the closest participating fitness facility for FREE gym and exercise classes.  Read More.


Silver Sneakers is a program that is included with many Medicare Advantage plans. The program allows participants to access over 16,000 gyms nationwide for free, participate in free group exercise classes, and plan and track their workouts with an app. We have heard very positive feedback from many of our clients. If you are enrolled in Medicare and not a participant in Silver Sneakers take a look at THIS link which covers a variety of FAQs about the program and provides resources to help you determine if you are eligible and which gyms support the program.

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